Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Scroll up & down

Does anybody know why we have to "scroll down" when opening a blog instead of scrolling up?

Why are posts added to the TOP instead of the BOTTOM?

Remember how a real bookmark helps us keep our place in a book we are reading?

Why can't I place a "real bookmark" on my blog that would tell my browser:

"Go the the LAST line of the last post on my blog and fill my monitor screen form the BOTTOM up with my last five posts."

Isn't that the way you (used to) work with your old paper diary and have the option of starting a new post?

Or "Go the FISRT line of the last post on my blog and fill my monitor screen form the TOP down with my last post and place the other four last posts ABOVE."

I guess that's what people did when they wanted to take a quick look at where they left out, the last time they wrote something.

Did a lot people, who write from left to right, ever started filling a diary, notebook or whatever form the last page UP, so that the last thing they wrote would always be on TOP?

On every computer that I have used with a scroll bar it goes both UP and DOWN. How about you?

Please pass this message to the people at Microsoft and others who keep designing new versions of Office suites where saved documents always open on the first line of the first page, when what you want to do is continue where you left out, at the bottom of page 20.


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