Friday, April 05, 2013

A Drogaria

Marca de produtos portugueses

Água lisa - água mineral sem gás

Pomada - vinho de qualidade

Xarope para a tosse - aguardente

Monday, March 18, 2013

Forgot something?

 What about forgetting?

I'm always forgetting things. I do it often and it's really great because I'm busy trying to find them, most of the time. It is great exercise for my "little gray cells." The more I forget, the more I exercise my brain trying to remember. It's the best anti-Alzheimer exercise you can do.

Forget and forgive

Karen Salmansohn, wrote on Oprah site that there are "8 Ways to Forgive and Forget" but if you forget in the first place what is there to forgive?

(To be continued)

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Portugal Virtual

Social Networks…….or………Virtual Countries? 2011.07.19
We commonly refer to Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn as social networks.  But couldn’t these communities also be seen as virtual countries?  This article attempts to explore the latent power behind these organizations and how they might effect, maybe even challenge, the traditional nation-state.

The DaVinci Institute. The virtual country: six possible scenarios for the creation of viable virtual countries

The Internet, while still in its infancy, has created borderless economies, that are confusing the issues of power and control, and even the sovereignty of nations. We are now entering into a new era of public power and control. The true power that is beginning to emerge is Technocratic, meaning that we are beginning to reorganize the world around the technical imperatives of global competitiveness and economic efficiencies.

The nation-state has only been around for roughly 350 years. It is ludicrous for us to think that it will still be around 1,000 years from now. So if it is going to change, how is it going to change, and when is it going to change?

The surge in interest in online communities has given rise to unique groupings of people based on cross-cultural commonalities. The strength of many of these commonalities often transcends present loyalties to country or nationality. In short, the driving force of money will, in many people’s minds, force the issues of culture and heritage to take a back seat.

Emerging forces in globalism has given rise to the notion of creating Virtual Countries, countries without land and without borders. Citizens of Virtual Countries will live in existing land-based countries; abide by their laws; and, at the same time, hold two or more citizenships.

On the following pages we will look at how new countries are born, the evolutionary forces that have created our present nation-state, and some possible scenarios that may create the next Copernican Shift in the global political arena.

Wirtland. 2008.08.14

Wirtland claims to be the world's first internet-based sovereign country. Wirtland is an experiment into legitimacy and self-sustainability of a country without its own soil.

The Times of Wirtland
Official source of news and opinion from Wirtland, the world's first sovereign country based in internet.

Witizens of Wirtland network
Network of citizens of Wirtland, currently the World's largest web-based sovereign country

Wirtland Institute
The Wirtland Institute (WI) was founded in March 2010 as a center for research, analysis, and professional dialogue in the area of new forms of statehood.

WI is conceived to become Wirtland's "think tank" and produce policy recommendations for the first sovereign cybercountry.  WI is independent from the government of Wirtland; WI's authors and experts are not limited to citizens of Wirtland.

The Wirtland Institute welcomes high-quality contributions from international experts.

Facebook Wirtland page. 2009.01.04
Wirtland is based on the concept of a country that transcends national borders without breaching or lessening the sovereignty of any involved. Many people feel powerless when it comes to the events that transpire within the governments of their home country, so the creation of a country where they can enact changes and contribute in a meaningful way makes them feel better. This idea could become a movement and given time, could affect change in the real world.

Wirtland is the world's first sovereign country based in internet ( It is a political experiment into legitimacy and self-sustainability of a country without its own soil. Wirtland was founded on August 14, 2008.

LinkedIn Web-based Country of Wirtland: Business and Social Opportunities. 2008.10.26
Wirtland is the first experimental web-based sovereign country ( It is not a computer game. We aim at building working communities, which will offer political and economic benefits, generate new employment opportunities and income, provide for new source of artistic creativity and independent opinion-sharing.
I wanted to start a discussion of business opportunities and social networking opportunities which may be offered by a virtual country. The best ideas will be implemented, if we join our efforts... Serious professional opinions welcome!

Join LinkedIn for free to participate in the conversation. When you join, you can comment and post your own discussions.

Twitter Wirtland
Wirtland is first sovereign country in cyberspace

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Diáspora Portuguesa

Um(a) wiki com componentes de anuário e «Quem é quem». Versões em Português e Inglês.

Além dos cerca de dez milhões de portugueses residentes em Portugal, estima-se existirem cerca de cinco milhões mais espalhados pelo mundo (incluindo os luso-descendentes recentes) num total de cerca de quinze milhões de portugueses.

Prémio Empreendedorismo Inovador na Diáspora Portuguesa
Isabel Santos Melo e Cristóvão Fonseca distinguidos com Prémio Diáspora 2012
Edições Anteriores - 2008 a 2011

O Presidente da República recebeu os membros fundadores do Conselho da Diáspora Portuguesa, que participaram no Ato de Constituição do Conselho, realizado no Palácio de Belém.

Crianças na Diáspora Portuguesa

Diaspora portuguesa

Associação de Reencontro dos Emigrantes

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Universidade do Futuro. Uma Ideia Antiga à Discussão

Idea developed in 11 post staring with Universidade do Futuro: Uma Ideia Antiga and reading down to Universidade do Futuro: A Discussão.

The posts are all in Portuguese, but you might be able to get the big picture using an online text and web page language translator like AltaVista Babel Fish Translation (only to English and French), WorldLingo Free Online Language Translator, or Google Language Tools (to English only).

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

WebMusicStation: Novilatina

Novilatina is a first attempt at a New Latin Web Music Station with the limitation of the host (Batanga) play list in Spanish and Portuguese from the American continent. Some of the greatest and most beautiful songs ever are available in Novilatina. Each song was selected personally. Hope you enjoy it.

Sunday, February 18, 2007


Tal como o Primeiro-Ministro afirmou no debate mensal na Assembleia da República sobre Ensino Superior, em 21 de Dezembro p.p., o «sistema de governo das instituições … está nitidamente esgotado e …, em muitos casos, não tem gerado nem a abertura, nem a liderança, nem a gestão adequadas». Incluído nesta afirmação está o DEMI e, por isso, é oportuno propor uma reformulação do respectivo regulamento que agilize a sua estrutura e reduza o efectivo da Comissão Coordenadora.

Com um número muito menor de docentes envolvidos, diminuem os custos de gestão e a entropia do sistema, libertando docentes para as tarefas para as quais estão mais vocacionados: o ensino e a investigação. Os Coordenadores das Secções dispõem de uma pequena equipa que facilita a delegação de tarefas, assegurando a participação de todos os docentes. Esta participação é uma oportunidade para o desenvolvimento de competências que assegura uma base de continuidade nas transições de coordenação.

É substancialmente reduzido o número de casos em que os docentes são chamados a pronunciar-se sobre assuntos que não são da sua área científica e dos quais têm conhecimentos e competências mais limitadas. Diminui, consequentemente, a oportunidade das decisões serem influenciadas por factores exógenos, estranhos aos superiores interesses institucionais.

A estrutura interna do Departamento passa a basear-se nas duas áreas científicas de Engenharia Mecânica e Engenharia Industrial, às quais corresponderão Secções com as mesmas designações. Nas Secções funcionarão Comissão Coordenadoras constituídas pelo Coordenador e por Professores, um por cada grupo de disciplinas da área científica.

A redução do número de membros da Comissão Coordenadora, de oito para três, corresponde a uma economia substancial de mais de 60 por cento. Com praticamente o mesmo número de alunos e de doutorados em cada uma das duas Secções, a estrutura do Departamento fica mais equilibrada.

DEMI II – Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica e Industrial Industrial Industrial